The Half Truth
Category: /Poetry/
(1751 views)3
We only speak halfway
Or we lie outright...
You are pretty
(But she is beautiful)
No, I'm not tired
(I've had 3 hours of sleep each night
for 3 years, I'm exhausted)
No, I'm not hungry
(I am starving)
No, I'm not scared
(I am terrified)
I can beat the odds
(I'm not so sure)
My heart is happy and free
(I'm brokenhearted and bound by hurt)
That didn't hurt
(Guess you missed the tears)
You can be anything
(If you have money, power and connections)
This is the land of opportunity
(But only for the upper 10 percent of society)
Your vote counts
(Election was decided before you showed to cast your vote)
No, your words don't affect me
(It hurts more than you know)
No, your hands don't hurt
(I'm still trying to heal)
Yes, I hear you
(But you're still not listening)
Yes, I am coming
(But you never show)
I'll message you later
(It's been days with a blank screen)
I'll call you
(Don't hold your breath)
So let's stop the madness here and now
You never really saw me
So it won't be so hard for you
In the end I will have the confidence to go forward
I will love myself again.
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