


The Living Stone

Category: /General/

You are of the chosen race,
People of His possession;
Royal priesthood to embrace,
Part of a holy nation.

Proclaim the excellencies,
Who called you out of darkness;
To His illuminances,
And has clothed of your starkness.

Once you were not His people,
But now you are of the Lord;
With mercy through the Gospel,
And being in one accord.

I urge you as sojourners,
To abstain from the passions;
Causing you to be sinners,
Lusting of earthly fashions.

It wages war on your soul,
Keep conduct honorable;
Do not let Satan control,
To God be favorable.

So when evildoers speak,
They may see all your good deeds;
Glorify God as you seek,
All the goodness that proceeds.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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