Your Book, the Bible
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This Bible is Your Love Letter and all of the Scriptures point directly to You, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit of Truth.In the Beginning, You created everything as You have said in Your Book of Genesis and You also made promises to Father Abraham in Genesis 12. You promised him that the we would all be blessed through him and You counted his faith as righteousness just like You promised him in Genesis 15:6. Just like You have given Father Abraham and his family Your land to share, You have given us Your family members to share and You have been taking care of us just like You have already promised us. Just like You have taken care of Father Abraham and Your family members of his day, You will take care of all of us just like You have been taking care of us all along. You are the Creator who has made all of us and the Universe at large, Maker of all. You are a Perfect, Holy, and Just God! You are the Perfect Sacrifice that Your Father, the Holy Spirit Himself, has graciously provided for all of us. We all must trust in You and You have been using Father Abraham to remind Your family members in his day to trust in You, Lord of lords. Indeed, You helped Father Abraham to pass the obedience test and he loved You most of all.
Just like King Herod, the Pharisees, Sadduccees, and the Roman Emperors who didn't trust You, Mr. Pharaoh was a bully who was jealous of You just like Satan the Devil has always been jealous of You. Nonetheless, Mr. Pharaoh raised Your Prophet Moses like a son although he was not her blood. Instead, he was a slave who delivered Your people at 80 years old and he died at 120 years ago just like You have said in Your Book of Genesis. Indeed, slavery existence back in Global Prehistory and You have revealed via Pastor Bradshaw in addition to Your research at large that slavery had been caused by racism (TBN, 13 - 59).
Even so, You have seen the misery of Your people and You had used Your Prophet Moses to set the Israelites free as You had said in Your Book of Exodus (
Because we humans have sinned by giving our authority to Satan the Devil, there has been suffering in the world and this demon now rules the world.
Nonetheless, You are greater than Satan and You are the Greatest of all.
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