Category: /General/
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Her island rain falls in solitude upon my longing heart.
Swirling winds of warm emotion bridge our atmosphere apart.
Sing to me, my distant Meadowlark.
Yearning touch of desire, her enchanting grace.
Intuitive, our embrace of soulful lace.
Pouring down in waves as pulses race.
Spirits sonder in timeless bonds on yonder.
To discover the one who ignites the flame of love to ponder.
To forever unleash our wild mystery, my songbird of passion and poetry.
Quenching our thirst in a moonlight serenade of pageantry.
Deepening wet lips swim in smooth layers of honey.
In lucid dreams of breath and fires of eternity.
She is the one who stirs my course of life energy.
Down new roads we travel in tandem thoughts of unity.
Guide each other beneath our shared stars of Aquarius.
In colorful nuance of love and happiness.
Invoke our names upon the God's of Olympus.
In towers of ivory our love will ever flourish.
Wild hearts touch and melt like faraway sun.
A synergy of life and evolution become one.
Born from the seeds of purity and heavenly inspiration.
Relishing in her Asian eyes of opal melody.
Charming inner strength, my lioness of pride.
Stealthy curves of muscle and bloodline.
Slow dancing with her shadow in my night resonance.
Embers burn with sparkling excitement Smoldering in our hearts of loving essence.
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