
Grace Strong

Category: /General/

Remember Christ rose from the dead,
In accordance with the Gospel;
For in the Scripture, it was said,
To spread the Word to the people.

Wherein I did suffer trouble,
As an evil doer unto bind;
But God pulled me from the rubble,
Made me see whence had made me blind.

I endure all things for His sake,
So that we may have salvation;
His eternal glory does make,
All believers a new creation.

For if we have died within Him,
Then we will also through Him live;
No longer a need to feel grim.,
The guilt is gone Christ did forgive.

If we endure we also reign,
On His wisdom we will rely;
But we will still be feeling pain,
If in Him we would still deny.

He is faithful who believes not,
He can’t deny Himself for us;
Those whom the faithful that have sought,
Will have blessings throughout as thus.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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