Congratulations, my princess, Alexia Cristina.
Category: /General/
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My daughter, today is a great day, the greatest masterpiece I've had in co-authorship.
You were born beautiful, your pregnancy was very fast, with that of your beautiful brother Gabriel.
You hurried, and only 31 weeks wanted to come to this world.
For seconds a movie is in my mind.
Suddenly, seeing you so small, in an incubator, and every day that I visited them a hope in me appeared.
We know for no reason that Gabriel is gone, went to meet the Father, 16 years ago, 1 month and 23 days, returned to his essence of Angel.
You stayed, and conquered the world in your simple, gentle, and restless way. Your strong spirit, your personality many times childish hour, adult time fascinates me.
You're still my little girl.
And, I charge a lot for the world that I leave you, this world so lost, corrupt, without morality, but I ask and I have hope in God that someday everything may change.
I want to honor my masterpiece, in my story, in my memories and dedicate everything to you.
I know that many times you, or your other siblings, do not understand why I say no, but that not said by me is much better than the world that has become perverse, and life often demands something, that parents do not know how to teach.
What I want is so much that you are happy, that you conquer the world with your dance, and help many to dance.
You my princess is something special, and to you every year, I give the best of me, today stays here this sincere homage that I know will be eternal. Or even when the internet lasts.
You are the only one, rare jewel borrowed from the Creator.
Excuse the hours of grumpiness and accept my advice, study always, have faith, love nature and respect, and be an example of love, courage and all good, to Anna Clara and Emmanuel, and with the protection of Heavenly Father, and of the Angel Gabriel.
I love you.
I know you're strong, you do not shed tears in your emotions, but know that I pour them out for you.
Kisses from mama that loves you so much.
Follow in life with love, faith, become woman at the right time, and learn the study, the principles of life you can only conquer, and if you have going wrong, stop, return and then follow with trust of God.
São Paulo, December 29, 2017.
10:11 a.m.
Today cloudy, rainy day.
Friday. You and Gabriel, were born on Tuesday, daylight saving time, my beautiful Capricorn.
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