

Category: /General/

Teach us to number our days,
As to have a heart of wisdom;
Saving us from the evil ways,
As to guide us to Your Kingdom.

Have pity on your servants, Lord,
How long will be till Your return;
Because You are loved an adored,
To be with You is what we yearn.

Satisfy us in the morning,
Bestowing with Your steadfast love;
Your blessings are adorning,
That are flowing from up above.

That we may rejoice and be glad,
Throughout all our days and nights;
Never any time to feel sad,
Do as You decree those delights.

It makes us glad for many days,
Wherein You have afflicted us;
For many years seeing evil ways,
That has affected us as thus.

Let Your work be shown unto me,
As your servant and your child;
Your glorious power to see,
Who no longer is defiled.

Let Your favor be upon us,
Establish work with our hands;
With motivation that’s zealous,
Proclaiming Your Word that expands.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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