Silver Weddings by Eduardo and Tereza Cristina
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Silver Weddings by Eduardo and Tereza Cristina
“Eduardo e Mônica”, a song by Renato Russo, has a lot to do with our history, with our world that this year of 2021, completes Bodas de Prata, a union of companionship, friendship, determination, everything.
I, Tereza Cristina, met Eduardo through a dear student, Auxi, who studied at EE Profª Amélia Moncon, and who always talked to me, in fact one of my characteristics as a teacher, psychologist, mother, friend, everything for my students, either from the chic neighborhoods, or from inside the slum.
Auxi, one day invited me to go to the prayer group, of the Parish Santa Gertrudes, in Jardim Campo Grande, that Saturday Edú, going up the street and found us going to the Church, Auxi introduced us. It was a quick moment. On another Saturday, we were invited to go to a Special Meeting at the São Judas Tadeu Sanctuary.
In the day I was angry, fighting with a neighbor friend, Lú, and talking a lot, and even then, with people believing that I would not go, but I went to spend a night at the São Judas Sanctuary.
Inside the Church, I talked to God in my own way, it was coming from a somewhat abusive relationship, and that what connected us was more the sexual issue, because he and I, who also called Eduardo Henrique, almost 9 years younger, but very owner of me, I wanted to change all of those passions that frustrate us. And, the night entered the dawn, with Words of Father Ricardo (Carioca), and the praises of the band, wonderful. And Christ, listening to me, listening to me.
In the church, I was, Auxi, my brother João Marcos, Ritinha, and others, besides Edú. Time passed, I was on Edú's side, and in a song, where he spoke of love and respect for each other, “you are the face of the Father. You are a little love ...” “I need you , you need me ... ”, suddenly Edu and I kissed.
I was embarrassed, he too, but after that, we got closer, and I tell you the truth, we were already at the dawn of April 1, 1995. I write what really happened that day. Or rather that night.
Of course, many things fail to remember, but the beginning of our history was like that, and the next morning Eduardo and I were dating. From that day of April 1, 1995, we only saw one day until our wedding, which would take place soon.
So, it went on, he always supporting my writing, my unique moment and in fact, always talking to my parents, and I to his mother, Mrs. Esther Riveiro (in memoriam).
The craziest of all, is that before I met Edú, I was on a fortune teller, and she told me that she was going to meet someone of Hispanic descent and that she would be, then, my prince. By coincidence, or divine providence, I met him, my Portuguese lineage and that of Edú, Hispanic. (They are not rich, but rich in love, respect, just like my loved ones. They fought hard, and conquered their spaces in our land called Brazil).
Time passed and on December 23, 1995, just the day my parents got married, Edú and I, together with the closest family (my parents and little brother) and he (mother, Ricardo, Amália and husband Jair, and Luís Felipe) we got engaged, at Big Pizza (on Avenida Sabará, today they have the Dia market), I was wearing a simple blue dress, and he in a white shirt, nervous, I think it was the day I saw him really nervous, hence made the request to my parents.
I mentioned well about the song “Eduardo e Mônica”, I am a year and three months older than him, and in terms of study, I was in graduate school, and he was a cafeteria assistant at the Magister school. He was a catechist, he even knew Ana Paula Arósio, and priests, like Marcelo Rossi, who even played ball together, and I was growing and asserting myself more as a teacher in the area of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. In addition to looking for a publisher for the publication of my poems, my history and stories. And, in that alchemical complex, we were joining our lives more and more. So much to tell, but time is roaring, and on June 29, 1996, we got married. Do you know who celebrated our wedding? It was Father Ricardo (Carioca) who I mentioned at the beginning. This wedding took place at Nossa Senhora Aparecida Parish, Jardim Pedreira, where since I understood myself by people, and where the parish priest was Father Franco, a very strict priest, but with dialogue he accepted that I did not want any minister to celebrate that union. , Father Franco even mentioned that Father Ricardo was a myth in his speeches, and that the church on that cold, very cold day, would have other marriages.
On June 29, 1996, after a very rainy and cold day, at 6 pm sharp, I entered through the main door, after the same day in the morning, we went to the registry office to celebrate our civil union. The church was filled with relatives, friends, neighbors, students, who, in Graça do Espírito Santo, celebrated this union with me there. Many have already left ... miss you.
Carlinhos Campos and Thaís, the daughter of a tenant of my parents, Rosa, were my pages, beautiful. At the ceremony, Father Ricardo, mentioned that he and other priests, were already ready to take Edú to the Seminary, a sigh, and I appeared, God gave us this union. Many tears fell, I did not smudge the makeup, because I asked it to be light, just one more lipstick to highlight.
So, the details came up, we had a beautiful, very simple party, with the people from Sociedade Amigos do Balneário Mar Paulista helping my mother, besides the neighbors of years, Mrs. Elza Rezende, my cousin's mother-in-law, my students from the Bento schools Pereira Rocha and Amélia Moncon, not to mention some professional colleagues, and the family. I just have to thank you.
Tears well in my eyes when I remember all this, I tried to summarize it to the maximum, but I cannot summarize 25 years, in 25 lines.
We had our first child in 1997, but on December 10, 1997, I had a miscarriage. And the following year, my premature babies came: Alexia Cristina and Gabriel, who many already know about their stories. And then, Emmanuel and Anna Clara came.
It is impossible not to write that in the same year that I got married, I became a coordinating teacher at EE Profº Dr. Lauro Pereira Travassos, and where I met one of the best friends I have, Marluce Dutra and family.
Today, after twenty-five years, with so many flavors and annoyances, with joys, losses, and even me teaching after Edú, who returned to study at EE Riolando Canno, high school, and so many other things; I could not fail to participate in the Anthology História de Nós Dois, with a more than special affection, because many writers I met was through the strength of this union, and the encouragement that my husband gives me in my writings, in my alchemist world that I live in . I could not fail to quote all this history, the details, the Life, God.
To thank the editors of the cited Anthology, and for so many others who trusted my work as a writer over the years, and for all readers. To thank for each one of my children, today Alexia Cristina, who will do in 12/29/1998 - 23 years old, Emmanuel, 06/26/2001, 20 years old and my youngest Anna Clara, who in 06/20/2003 - 18 years old . To thank each one who supported us during our 25 years. And, in particular, thanking God for our union Eduardo Riveiro Castro, who turns each day into Respect, Love, Victories for daily struggles. I love you.
“Each one who passes through our lives, finds us alone, and is also alone, but when he leaves, he leaves a little of himself, and takes a little of us.” Saint-Expèry
Edú, thank you for everything and for always respecting my pains, my uncertainties, and for having believed in this union, in this love, which was blessed from the first day we met. Gratitude. I love you. Simply, your Tê.
- Weddings by Eduardo and Tereza Cristina.
Thanks to our sponsors: Célia Campos and Ezequiel Gonçalves (in memoriam), Amália and Jair, Angela and Reinaldo, Adélia and Manuel (in memoriam), Vilma and Carlos (in memoriam), Ritinha and Lindinho, Isabel and João Marcos. His blessings were significant for this union. God bless you wherever you are.
Teka Castro, pseudonym of Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro. Teacher, writer, daughter of Deonilde and Francisco, married, environmentalist. Fight for a more inclusive school. Participant in several printed and virtually literary anthologies. Spiritualist. God is in everything in my alchemical world.
Note: This poem will be printed in the Anthology of Oficina do Livro Editora - https://oficinadolivroeditora.com.br/ - soon. A little more summarized and revised.
Thank you my God, for everything, and for this wonderful relationship.
God bless us, love can heal diseases.
Teka Castro
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