
A New World?

Category: /General/

A New World?

I hold a world yet to be born
It contains all the dreams and
desires unrealized and unknown

Take my hand and do not forsake for
surely I say to you all of our lives
are at stake, we must not hesitate

the time is ripe, the time is now.
Open your eyes and you'll see the
course of our action is right.

It is for the world's children of
today and the children's future in
our tomorrows still yet to become.

Look around you, what do you see?
One can't deny more of our citizens
are homeless it's hard to believe.

And Biden's solutions? blame our own
fossil fuel for the climates ills as
if importing foreign makes no pollution

What's wrong with this picture? If this
continues for four more years. Say hello
to living out all our unthinkable fears.

Welcome to America, the once land of the
free and opportunity, They destroyed our
hopes and dreams to feed their beasts greed.

Cancel Culture slithered into our companies and
universities after they sold them to the CDC,
regardless of its crimes against humanity

We are the world's last hope. Knowing all too
well the fate we unknowingly choose., but we The
People stripped their power right off their bones.

And we all started singing, God bless America our
home and land of the free. We rose and took back
our country now there's enough for you and me.

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