Thanks today ???
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Thanks today ???
I offer this poem to my family here in Brazil, and in Europe:
Spain, United States (Third cousin - Miriam, sister of Alexandre Freire), France, Portugal, An immense family that I love, although it is not what it was when I was a child, many left, many stopped talking to me, because they said I quote bitter words, and for other reasons, but it was the family that I chose for this earthly learning, and I knew about the conflicts, but at the time H, everyone gets together to help. Freire, Henriques, Mendes, de Jesus, Riveiro, Gonçalves, Castro, thank you for everything, especially Francisco da Silva Mendes (In memoriam) and Deonilde de Jesus Gonçalves Mendes, without you, I certainly wouldn't be here.
You get out of bed,
From such a busy night
That already raises, in the delay,
Your quick steps,
They pass through my image,
And, in the reflection of everything
You run into the world once again.
And, forget about me.
In your work,
The mirror, again reflects my image,
And, you turn to commitments:
Faxes, phone calls, whatsapps and other networks,
And, if you blind me.
I see, that at lunch,
You run, you perfume yourself again,
And, not even eye to eye,
See me, my mind racing.
One more day.
The night comes.
The thoughts, some insane,
And, other impure ones,
And I assure you, how many times it passed by me, to ask,
To thank?
So, get up, go to the pool,
And, the reflection of you jumping with open arms,
You see me, and then right there thanks with a prayer,
And the next day,
But, calm down,
It seems that everything has been resolved,
So, now in the course of your day,
When I see you reflected,
Remember that I’m Your Best Friend,
And, always thanks.
So, pass on the message,
And as a bitter man,
Become blessed
And, you know I'm in you.
Son, learn to smile,
Even in diversities,
And, remember that I am your reflection,
In the mirror of your eyes.
So thank you for everything
So, it is necessary.
Handwritten poem on June 13, 2020.
Today transcribed for that site.
Peace and good.
Téka Castro.
São Paulo, June 18, 2020.
I also offer to Father Marcelo Rossi, and Mário Duarte from Rádio Capital, and the entire team of great radio broadcasters from all radio stations. Father Marcelo, tells a beautiful story about God saving a swimmer. Now I don't remember, but whoever listens to him, I believe he remembers. Amen.
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