Category: /General/
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Show me the bone: what spirit is speaking in you? Let Christapologies begin!
"Ta okpor": it means, "[you've even finished eating the flesh], now, eat up the bone of a human being?" It's a Calabar slang. The other cousin of his, the Yorubas say "Shogbor?" It's still the same thing: it's Aphekhians; it means, "Show me the bone, by rolling it out from your mouth [after eating the human being]". Which is why you must be mindful of what languages you speak, because some sections of the tree of languages are extremely polluted, with those strange languages cursing God! And which is why every human being must be able to be schooled to understand properly effectively, and communicate and write at least in one language of the world. I was a little boy at Duke Town Secondary School. A lady lunatic usually paraded the school road in a costly, old garbadine suit. Maybe, she was a witch that lived in London till she was tricked by the other witches down to Africa after several years of her demonic exploit, so as to get promoted, then wasted, which was God's judgement too on her. This lady always muttered something unclear. I couldn't figure out the complete sentences. But I always heard her say: "The baby's bone...oh, the baby's bone..." One day, I made bold to ask my wizard brother what the elderly lunatic lady always muttered. He completed it: "Can't you hear what that woman is saying? 'Oh, the baby's bone... the baby's bone... the baby's bone has hooked me on the throat.'" "So, Madam, you used to eat soft baby bones exhumed from the womb?", I said.
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