"The light of the world is Jesus."
Category: /Christian Worship Lyrical Music/
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Oh, Why not enter into the lighthouse today? "The light of the world is Jesus."
When the lamp light is burning brightly by
Night and by day. "The light of the world is
Jesus." Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
"The light of the world is Jesus." Why should you
Tarry, and why should You delay? "The light of the
World is Jesus." "Jesus Christ is the way, the truth,
And the life.""The light of the world is Jesus." "No
One comes To the father but" by him.
"The light of the World is Jesus." Jesus Christ is
The author and The source of everlasting life."
"The light of The world is Jesus." Jesus Christ is
The light Of the world. "The light of the world
Is Jesus!" Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
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