Category: /General/
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The way the body says
I'm tired
I'm without pleasure,
It makes the mind sick,
It makes translate the bile into our organism.
If you see a chasm clearly,
Where time is a fresh start.
Where, the body is positioned as in the maternal womb.
U eternal bond of gratitude and life.
And, in today's tiredness,
The mind is lost in itself,
Ceasing to be what it was in life,
The body trapped in tiredness,
But, then I remember:
"Come to Me the weary and the oppressed."
Let us be strong and let the water translate the hydration and bring it to the physical body,
A mere solution for the sincere rest of a tired mind,
And may God do his own will, not what I want.
Handwritten poetry on the penultimate Sunday of winter, and that brings everyone a better world.
Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro
São Paulo, September 13, 2020,
I offer all the birthdays of the month of September with affection, especially to my husband Eduardo Riveiro Castro
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