Category: /General/
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Suddenly something moves
In my complex organism
There's no right way
To say what it is.
I reflect on everything,
My own essence in the world.
I am a reflective part of God,
And, I dare say,
That life is something that manifests itself a lot.
Nature celebrates
When we surround ourselves with hopes, and joys,
When we manifest poetry.
And in that restlessness my body
Success overflows,
And, I leave failure behind,
But, thank you,
Well, just like that,
I got up here.
Compose a new song,
A new direction,
In the summary of my walk.
And, I manifest myself in the restlessness of the days,
With masterpieces,
Writing poetry,
Or reading books that lead me to have dreams and fantasies.
Handwritten poetry on 3/5/2020.
Today transcribed for that site.
I offer it to all concerned people, but who seek with their concerns to change the world for the better. Peace and good.
Writer: Teka Castro
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