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InterpretationDedicated to the group of Bruno Maciel (), and his shorts: Dez Conto e Dois Conto, as well as their participants.
Dedicated to São Francisco Xavier Parish Theater, Totus Tuus - https://www.facebook.com/watch/ministeriodeartestotustuus/
Suddenly, show the fantasy,
The reality, in the way of interpreting,
Great acts and truths.
Dreams go in search of something
In a format where reading and creating,
It turns out to be the best.
Words become bodily forms,
And, go after dreams,
Of fears, secrets, reality
Researched after years of studies,
So, as in writing,
Interpreting is a gift of Life.
They are forms of varied talents.
They are ways of saying what many think,
And, they close in saying.
Interpreting the other, maybe it's easier,
Than yourself.
Write, read, interpret, reproduce,
The art is in an artist's watercolor,
In the interpretation of a dancer, an actor,
And in the sweet and bitter depths of a mere writer.
Exalt to the shorts of the periphery,
From an ex-student,
From the classic dance of my daughter Alexia Cristina,
In the watercolors of great teachers:
Suemi, Bruno Mesquita, Sueli Trindade, Iná, Maura, ...
In fact many others.
As in the way of interpreting dreams,
In Patrícia Lopes' mandalas,
Or in the unique drawings of Emily (My son's girlfriend) and my daughter Anna Clara.
Today it is much easier to leave the peripheral space to the world.
I, as a writer, and then a teacher, took years.
I made plans, and today I am recognized,
But, it was not easy to interpret my emotions,
My reasons for being,
And write as I have kept it in a memory book:
"To write is to exchange cannonballs for rosebuds!"
Yeah, to be able to dream more and more,
It is inspiration, in the search for your peace.
Interpreting is doing like the art of the Clown of the actress Ivete Damasceno, who may be dying inside, but making someone smile.
Anyway, to interpret, as the Poet would say: "It is necessary!" - https://www.pensador.com/frases_de_fernando_pessoa/
But, here I leave you reader to interpret my writing, anywhere in the world wherever I am.
Handwritten on October 25, 2020.
At the moment of transcribing for these sites, watching the film: Omen with Nicolas Cage, great actor, who plays n characters. And, what I admire.
Author: Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro
(Téka Castro).
Writer from a young age.
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