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Book of Wisdom - chapter 9 - https://www.mensagenscomamor.com/livro-da-sabedoria-9
Lord, I come here to prostrate before You,
Like King Solomon,
Who didn't ask for riches,
He did not ask for kingdoms,
But, Wisdom to guide the people,
And, here I renew my thinking,
I ask for Wisdom,
To re-educate my teenage children,
In this pandemic current,
I ask for wisdom urgently
Not to forget your commandments;
Perhaps the world deserved this moment,
For many have offended him,
Many destroyed Your Values,
And the executioners are not viruses,
But, our hypocritical attitude.
Lord, I ask for wisdom, for my day to day,
To discernably write poetry,
To praise and thank.
Now it's time to reflect,
The departure of the Hebrew people from Egypt,
I believe that the angel of death passes by everyone's house;
I believe in the nights and days that Christ was attacked in the desert
And yet he fasted and won.
I ask for wisdom not to be hypocritical and believe in everything I see.
There is so much information, so many pervities,
And unfortunately government officials,
They use this pandemic period to promote themselves.
I ask for wisdom to guide my children,
Take care of my animals,
Take care of my yard and much more take care of my mother.
I ask you, Lord, keep this bitter cup away from us,
And that we can be happy.
May we bring a better world from that time,
With much more Love,
With Peace and Hope,
Knowing how to respect the elderly and educate the child.
Being wise not only to develop medicines,
Or mind-boggling formulas,
But for the return to Nature,
As here I have an old book "The Healing by Nature" -
https://www.amazon.com.br/CURA-PELA-NATUREZA-Plantas-medicinais-ebook/dp/B01IDQT2KQ/ref=asc_df_B01IDQT2KQ/?tag=googleshopp00-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=379815944357&hvpos=&hvnetw=g70 = & hvqmt = & hvdev = c & hvdvcmdl = & hvlocint = & hvlocphy = 1001773 & hvtargid = pla-828584990106 & psc = 1
Let us return to You, and Lord,
So I end here,
And I ask for Wisdom for all my days.
Handwritten poem on 04/03/2020.
Authors: Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro
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