
Why do we have to grow up?

Category: /Poems/

Why do we have to grow up?

I suddenly watched Johnny Depp,
In a movie about Peter Pan,
The boy - teenager who didn't want to grow up.
I had magic, I played with Indians,
I made hideouts,
And, freed from evil,
I wanted to be maybe Tinkerbell,
To have pirlimpimp powder,
Fly and see still virgin forests, free animals,
And the man without evil,
Or curses.
I wanted to be free,
But, time goes by,
Often useless and bland.
I wish I didn't have to grow up, take responsibility,
Be naive, always speak the Truth,
And see as a child,
Hope in all Times,
And, renew the thoughts.
Always build truths
And sow new seeds.
Even in dance inspire me,
And at the 2019 Diziolic show,
To be able to dream more and more,
So deep down feeling in the endorphins of my body,
A little more peace.

Handwritten poetry on 2/10/2019.
https://www.dizioli.art.br/ - presented the show Peter Pan on December 14th at the Clara Nunes Theater (http://www.diadema.sp.gov.br/).

Transcribed today to some sites.
Peace and good. Happy Holidays to all the readers, writers, dreamers, teachers, and fans of my work.
May God bless you always.
Teka Castro

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