Category: /General/
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For Pumpkimush, the Ozo street boys and the damned.
A danglo king with an everlasting roll of beard always sat on his wormigotic throne. He would mess everlasting messes and all his kingdom would sleep. Then he would pooh everlasting Pooh on them. He would itch the beard and everlasting maggots would come out. He would then roast the beard with fire. He was a dragon and would vomit fire from his naptha-lined intestines. All these went on for so many years as though it won't stop. One day, to his amazement, a strange little boy visited his kingdom, and requested to see him. He was ushered in. The boy stood before him, pointed his finger at him and said: "Get damned! You are a satan!" And he exploded into everlasting ashes, and was blown away by a strong wind to an unknown destination.
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