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I congratulate the Universal channel and the Chicago Fire, Med and PD series, for the episode where a Chemistry professor and researcher put the whole city and the investment issue that we make for so much research that we have in mind.
I remember here the measles eradication, which here in Brazil was not reaching anyone for two decades, and suddenly it resurfaces again and kills. So, I come to the conclusion that really many bacteria, viruses, and other microcellular forms, leave the laboratories, even if they have already been eradicated, the strains ( https://educalingo.com/pt/dic-pt/cepa ) are there, frozen, but there is always someone who greedily wants more, but kills people for the simple fact of greed, and to make a profit.
I want to congratulate the Chicago franchise, which brought together firefighters, police, doctors, to seek a cure, and also build the case, looking at who could do it. But, the terrorists who watch, and the question of biological warfare, of invisible warfare, which is much more difficult and exhausting to fight, in these series, show that it is possible to happen, and to fight.
Therefore, we all have to maintain the hygiene of the hands, the body, the environments and always try to organize ourselves so that we have the wisdom to avoid or try in God's grace to cure epidemics.
This short manuscript article on 02/25/2020, recalling https://pipocasclub.com.br/2019/11/20/crossover-chicago-data/, was reprinted at Universal on 02/24/2020.
Written by the Chemistry Discipline professor and writer Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro, concerned with the new coronavirus - https://ndmais.com.br/noticias/novo-coronavirus-o-que-e-causa-sintomas-tratamento-diagnostico -e-prevencao /, and other opportunistic diseases.
Peace and good to everybody.
São Paulo, February 25, 2020.
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