

Category: /Informative Poetic Prose an Alert/


Actually there is no time, time, age.
But you can't look for jokes.
In fact between heaven and earth,
There is a vastness of mysteries.
Everything we go through has a certainty,
The Nature of each is an act of greater love.
Follow the great masters,
Fasting doesn't have to be food,
But of things that surrounds us all the time.
I'm not from Candomblé, Umbanda, Kardec,
Neither am I Catholic,
My uncertain spirituality,
It is built on the truth of life.
In Divine Creation,
In the education my parents gave me.
I am perhaps someone who in the very bitter words,
Translate messages
Coming from the subconscious? Coming from Inspirations?
Do not know.
I am know that spirituality
It cannot have negative energies,
And, value Life.
Iemanjá, Queen of the Sea, does not need offerings that destroy aquatic beings,
A rose to the sea (thanking Life).
And in the corners, clovers, cemeteries, remember that many things are placed,
They end up attracting living beings, who are disease transmitters.
I know each one's belief.
But, say the prayer. Offerings such as those of Cain and Abel, would be more valuable than we see today, remembering that we can offer fruits, a calf for those who are in orphanages or asylums.
Life is something that should be inspiring and living spirituality is a gift.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Sister Dulce, Ghandi, and so many others lived with patience and love of neighbor with elegance. Today we want fruits, riches and uncertainties.
Those who live on spirituality should be grateful and understand that spirits do not need money, but prayers.
Let us then bless and thank the brothers: Sun, Moon, Stars, Wolf, Rabbit, and others, let us be Franciscans, and make spirituality a teaching to all of us.
Peace and good to all who read this story here.

Handwritten on 12/26/2019.
Today transcribed to this site.
I offer to my dear master: Carlos Carmello Osório Pudles, to virtual friend Pai Guimarães, to my dear son-in-law Christian Santos, Rosa Chaves, In memorian Friar Albino Aresi, to Father
John Raju Nerella, Father Marcelo Rossi, and also in memory of Aunt Eunice, Pastor Vera Lúcia Pinto, Pastor Terezinha (whom I met many years ago), the scholars who study people's spirituality, and my readers from all over the world. Beliefs.
Peace and good.
Sao Paulo, December 31, 2019.
Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro.

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