Category: /Informative Poetic Prose. an Alert./
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Dear little children who with hopelessness
They try to run away,
They try to fall without washing afterwards.
They can't get rich,
Because the money goes to the dealer,
Which in short is,
Now in politics, in the corner of life,
Now many parents and mercenaries,
And, I invested in the pain you feel,
Unfortunately a bunch of suckers.
And the more you use it,
But if you want to use it.
And not to mention that the heart can't take it,
Face what can so much substance,
That what soothes is just killing the euphoria, and the overdose comes,
Which takes son, father, loved ones, to the grave very early.
Dear little children, we all have pain,
You talk, but remember Christ, Ghandi, so many who spoke of Love, of Forgiveness.
Remember the origin of the family you came from, the sufferings of others,
And, no longer enrich the trafficker,
How far away from funk balls, nightclubs, corners, quietly expects an idiot who buys drugs mixed with dung, the neighborhood, the impurities, and you fall like a duckling, get addicted and end up taking the life of those who offered it.
Look at the cross and see,
Your pain is caused only by you, the absence of dialogue, the absence of sincerity,
And indeed, why do many think that with a joint, a heroine, or cocaine, they will be strong, but no, our mind empties, becomes vunerable, and our body exposed to chaos.
Children, dear ones, never want to take your own life; you will say: I want to live, enjoy, and dance; but drugs only take you there is one place: casket and black candle.
So believe me only you may no longer want to get paradise from addiction. But from reflection, meditation, your personal encounter with God and yourself with clean faces and bodies.
São Paulo, December 28, 2019. Handwritten poetry on this day, and today 12/31/2019, transcribed to this site.
I offer José Messias Costa, who I met at EE Manoel Borba Gato, passing on to Proerd students - http://www4.policiamilitar.sp.gov.br/unidades/dpcdh/index.php/proerd-2/
To my children, students and former students, to my family members.
Drugs can kill even a blood pressure medication as it is drug if you abuse the prescribed dosage.
Pain medications are also addictive, and we fibromyalgic patients know this well.
Sometimes it is easier to feel physical pain than mental pain.
Teka Castro, Chemistry Discipline teacher and writer.
Sao Paulo, 12/31/2019.
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