4/29/19 Getting a Grip on the Basics of Serving God Course and Series by Pastor Beth
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Ecclesiastes 3 AMP This can help me to give back to the Basics Ministry.
You have given me the gift of helps and You have called me to serve You through helping others.
Matthew 16:18
You are ruling the Church.
Ephesians 1:28
The world is peripheral to the Church.
You have given me the gift of helps and the talent of Poetry.
Your ways are higher than my ways.
I need to sow seeds of trust and I can reap a harvest of trust.
I need to humble myself.
I am here to serve You through helping others, Lord.
You must increase and I must decrease.
I really don't want to be famous.
I need to pursue You and I need to exalt You, Lord.
I want to make a difference and I want to make an eternal difference.
John 15:16
You want the fruit of the life You have given me to have eternal significance.
My purpose is to serve You through helping others and You have given me the gift of helps.
You have already given me the gift of writing and the talent of Poetry in order to encourage others and glorify You.
I need to live from an eternal perspective.
I want to hear the words "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
Greatness is Your Kingdom is being a servant of all.
You never rebuked anyone for wanting to be great in Your Kingdom.
You just defined what greatness is.
In James, You tell me to submit myself to You and resist the Devil.
I need to submit to You and those whom You have placed over me so that the gifts that You have given me can flourish.
You want leaders and followers to have dynamic, healthy godly relationships.
We need to have a heart for souls.
I need to love people as myself and I need to have great faith.
I need to live by great faith.
Amen, thank You.
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