4/13/19 The Basics With Pastor Beth
Category: /General/
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You have given us Your grace for the pace of life.Your grace is Your inner strength, which is enough for me.
Your grace, which is Your supernatural ability, is sufficient for me.
Your grace is Your divine influence upon my heart, which is my spirit.
Psalm 4:1
You want to enlarge, or increase us.
Through the book of Isaiah, You encourage us to enlarge the place of our tents.
I need to be stretched.
Grace is what many people need.
2 Samuel 22:37
You are enlarging us and things around us.
1 Chronicles 4:10 is the prayer of Jabez, who asked You to bless him indeed and enlarge his territory as well as to keep him from evil in the name of Christ, who answered his prayer as well as ours.
You are recharging our batteries with Your grace.
I just need to keep the phone charged and keep the lines of communication open with the Teacher.
You are gently leading those who have offspring.
Isaiah 40:31 (Bible Club, 2019).
Psalm 119
Amen, thank You.
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