5/25/19 Pastor Osteen's Staying Passionate About Life
Category: /General/
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Amazing Facts on TBN Kids: The elephant is the only animal that cannot jump and a polar bear is left-handed. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. The kids are the future.
I need to stay passionate about life.
Those who are enthusiastic have Your fullness and those who are passionate have Your favor.
You want to breathe new life into us.
I am passionate about the life You have given me.
The students and the graduates are the future leaders of society.
2 Timothy 1:6
I am grateful for Your Word and I am grateful for this Website, which really belongs to You.
Thanks to Your impression, I can take notes on Your Word with Your cellular phone on Your Website.
Through Your Website, You can express Yourself and my prayer is that Your Word will come alive on this very site in the name of Jesus Christ.
This site is Your hand of favor.
You are Amazing, Lord.
You have given me Your Word, Your Presence, and Your Voice.
I need to sow a seed.
You are taking me from victory to victory.
The Book of Ecclesiastes is a book of Wisdom written by King Solomon and I need to overcome the eavesdropping according to Ecclesiastes 7:21.
I need to run my race.
I need to run my own race.
I need to develop the writing skills that You have given me.
It's an insult to You to wish that I were someone else.
I need to stay productive and I need to keep the goals in front of me.
I need to stay busy.
You have another victory in front of me.
I need to get in agreement with You.
Misery is optional.
I can take up writing.
I can write.
The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philemon, who was his and Onesimus's friend.
Nothing that's happened is a surprise to You.
Solemn can be a vocabulary word.
I need to love and forgive.
A synonym for solemn is serious.
This day is a gift from You.
Revelation 2:4
There are miracles all around us.
Amen, thank You.
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