3/9/19 The Basics With Beth
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I need to be patient.I need to be faithful.
Luke 16:10-11
Real riches are revelation knowledge of Your Word.
I need to improve.
1 Timothy
Hebrews 10:36
I have need of patience.
Luke 21:19
My soul is my personality.
The soul is the mind, will, and emotions.
John 12:23
I need to die to myself.
You are not in a hurry.
You are more concerned about my being conformed into the image of Your Son.
Egypt is a picture of the World.
I need to refuse the world.
Philippians 3
I need to trust You and I need to trust those You have placed over me.
John 15:5 and Philippians 4:13 are the verses in which a paradox happens.
Apart from You, I can do nothing.
Apart from You, I cannot do anything.
I need to have confidence in You instead of in my flesh.
Amen, thank You.
Isaiah 66 and Habakkuk 2
Luke 8 and Proverbs :3:5-6
You are the Amen, Lord.
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