5/30/19 Pastor Osteen's Prepared Blessings
Category: /General/
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This Website is a prepared blessing.In the book of Genesis, You give an account of Your Creation.
In the book of Genesis, You revealed that You put Adam in the Garden.
You had resources at Adam's disposal.
You are working behind the scenes and You are arranging things in our favor.
You control the Universe.
You are working behind the scenes getting things ready for Your people.
Deuteronomy 8:7-9
Psalm 31
Favor is looking for us.
You are not limited by the circumstances.
You have the Final Say.
You are a Very Powerful King, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit of the Living God.
King David's father did not believe in him.
You have us covered.
I can be happy for others.
I don't want what You have for others as it would not be a blessing but a burden since I am not anointed for what You have for others.
I need to leave my comfort zone and I need to take a step of faith.
In the book of Ruth, Naomi's daughter-in-law took care of her and You redeemed the family through Mister Boaz.
Amen, thank You.
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