
Environment and the health of all beings.

Category: /General/

Environment and the health of all beings.

We think that the Environment has nothing to do with our health.
Of course there is.
Lately, we see that on farms, birds, such as chickens, ducks and others, are being fattened quickly, with hormones, and others, and go to slaughter earlier. We eat the meat and we notice hormonal changes in us as well.
Not to mention that due to the accumulation of garbage, the waste that we leave in any corner, we see that many other diseases are coming back, like Measles, and meanwhile, we leave polluted the water that is already scarce and thus, we can see well the relationship between the Environment and Health.
The comfort of n technologies ends up taking even the work of human beings, and how many depressive people are around us?
Not to mention, from the garbage we throw on the sidewalks and elsewhere, we cause the floods, and with it diseases like leptospirosis, which attacks us all.
We must remember that in the riverbeds, we take away the trees and other plants that oxygenate them.
We must remember that our food also comes from the sea, from the rivers, and by ending the oxygenation we end up killing the fish, which can not be food for the people, see fish mortality recently at the Billings Dam. I will link to search at the end of the text that I am typing.
Auditory health, which results in stress, especially for those who are teachers, who work in classrooms, noisy, and suffer hearing loss, or the street worker who works with jackhammers, and in addition, the horn, everything affects, causes much fatigue and forces us to become more irritated.
We have to take care of the Environment, to have serenity, and respect. In addition to Rethinking, Reusing, Reusing, Reducing, and Declining, I place this R of Respect to the Environment more.
So, I think in 2070, in the letter from the Seatle Indian, will it be like this, our species?
Let's take care of what God gave us for free.
Respect the animals, which are often our Guardian angels.
Respect others in their limitations, let's get healthier, and take care of our homes, without throwing garbage to the neighbor's sidewalk, or sweep under the rug.
I worry about the future, and I want to contribute by leaving examples to my children, to take care of what God has given us for free.
Let's respect the environment !!!
I offer all the Doctors and employees Without Frontiers, the IAMPE Doctors, and the Health Office of the Missionary Village, to the professors of Chemistry of Brazil and the World.
I still offer it to all my readers.
My thanks to you all !!!
Teka Castro, environmentalist, professor of Chemistry and writer.
Search Sites:
https://www.google.com/search?q=os+r+s+of+message+and+support+of+message+and+aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.11591j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF -8

https://www.google.com.br/search?ei=AjuaXLbuHcic5OUPhfanoAI&q=Mortalidade+peixes+na+Billings+e+de+outros+rios+e+mares+devido+a+quest%C3%A3o+ambiental&oq= Mortality + fishes + Billings + and + other rivers + and + seas + due + to environmental + environmental & gs_l = psy-ab.3 ... 3906.29176..29504 ... 8.0 .. 0.235.6457.24j34j2 ...... 0 .... 1..gws-wiz ....... 35i302i39j33i160.0 _-_ R5zxqfI
Written on 2 sites. Always seek to learn from Nature.
Teka Castro,
Peace and good.

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