Too sensitive.
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Too sensitive.
I write to express my feelings.
I have inspiration at any moment.
Sometimes I run through the air,
A trace of melancholy,
But I'm always devoting myself to poetry.
Works in several university notebooks handwritten writings, facts, reasons, emotions lived.
The dreams that I compose with ardor, love that fills my days,
poetry, that many times my hands have been used, but I do not remember being there to write them.
Psychographs, or exaggerated sensitivity, but there they are, written to the point of today in a rereading to see prophetic events.
I write for art, for love, for dedication, for simple inspiration, I write the best and the worst of myself.
Transcribing many times in writing, and again, I quote Beto (WRCS), who wrote in one of my notebooks, that when I write back cannon balls for rosebuds, which I am sincere in writing, I am perhaps truer and I give myself whole.
Yes, writing is an art, in which my Chemistry is part, in which in the twenty-first century I am an alchemist, and in my simple reality without gains of an artist, but with strong points of view.
I know that I write sometimes, bullshit, outbursts, I trace a constant search with my self, with God, with the transcendent follies that I am, the inspiring form that I am here, and the richness of conquering readers for what I love.
I write for being too sensitive, and believe in my eternal quest for Peace.
Teka Castro
SP March 24, 2019.
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