Beyond school walls ...
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Beyond school walls ...
Currently everything is left for school, child rearing, education, transmission of knowledge, health, ethics, truth ... Society.
But what should I as a mother teach? Or that my husband, the father of my children, must exemplify and testify?
Aggressive lives, which are stopped at schoolchildren, and in other places like churches, whatever denomination it may be.
Where is love?
They speak of assessments, differences, and others, but to what extent, we will support, as teachers, or organizational agents, or even school administrators, the stress of noise, fights of rival groups, bullying against teachers, colleagues, and others. How much education workers will suffer with indifference, low wages, ironies, shamelessness in the face of our elect that puts us at risk.
Beyond school walls, pains, and passions, fears, even more people wanting good, people being and making a difference. Time passes, and life spreads, and displeasures convince us to disregard educational attitudes.
Today the heroine is Marilena Uzamu, Professor Coordinator of EE Prof. Raul Brasil, for her and many others, for Eliana, we ask for peace, a dignified increase for teachers, and that there is no more division, acronyms, of teacher O, S, F, V etc. After all, teachers study a little of everything and transmit knowledge at all times.
And, we are crossed out of everything, the violence of what happened this past week, only showed how vulnerable we are within the school walls.
Teka Castro, 30 years as professor at SEESP - Professor of Chemistry, Sciences and Mathematics. Currently readapted due to functional dysphonia. General neglect to the rehabilitated, we are treated like mats. And we get sick in full use of our work: teaching. And, today, they call us sick, we stay that way, for loving our profession.
I love being a teacher !!!
I write for pleasure, and in two beautiful, worthless professions.
São Paulo, March 17, 2019.
Written in http://recantodasletras.com.br/autores/tekacastro and in http://etastic.com - search for Tereza Cristina G Castro.
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