4/14/19 Pastor Osteen's Coming Out Better
Category: /General/
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You are a God of Restoration.You are a Great Creator.
We all go through things.
When You restore, I am not going to look like what I have been through.
You are Beautiful, Strong, Confident, and Well-spoken.
You are renewing me.
In the book of Daniel, the three teens would not bow down to the golden idols.
When You restore, there is no sign of the trouble.
You are so Amazing and You are so Awesome.
People won't know what I have been through.
When You restore, there is no sign of what I have been through.
You are a Father to the Fatherless.
You show up even when things are beyond my control.
Nothing I have been through will keep me from my purpose.
Psalm 71
You are a God of Justice.
You have the final say.
You work where there is an attitude of faith.
I need to give You something to work with.
Mark 5
I can't get free by myself.
Nothing is too much for You.
Chains are being loosed and strongholds are being broken.
Amen, thank You.
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