5/4/19 Pastor Osteen's God Will Cause Us to Remain
Category: /General/
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You will cause us to remain.You will cause me to remain.
To remain means to be fixed and not moved by circumstances.
You want to bring us to a place of stability, where we cannot be moved.
John 15
You won't let me go backwards to my childhood and teen years.
You have the final say.
You are establishing us and You are causing us to remain.
I need to abide in You and I need to be faithful.
The difficulty that Job faced lasted for about nine months and He remained faithful to You even in the midst of the difficulties.
Psalm 27:5
The future is too bright to be distracted.
You will take care of the enemies.
Exodus 14:13-14
You have an abundance of fruit for us to bear.
Deuteronomy 8:7,9
I want to be a blessing to others and You control the whole Universe.
2 Kings 19:7
You are in complete control of not only our lives but those of our enemies.
Time is coming.
I need and I want to do the right thing.
I need to shake things off.
2 Chronicles 14:6
King Asa lived by an example of faith and integrity.
I need and I want to honor You with the life You have given me.
Amen, thank You.
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