3/25/19 Pastor Osteen's Making You A Part of My Everyday Life
Category: /General/
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You want to help me in my everyday life.Proverbs 3:6
You want to help me at the job.
Asking for Your help is one way to acknowledge You.
My prayer is that You help not only me to keep the job that I have but, Lord, please help the others keep their jobs in the name of Jesus Christ.
My prayer is that I can be as faithful and humble as You are in the name of Jesus Christ.
You want to help me all through the day.
Thank You, God, for waking me up this morning.
I want You to be included in our everyday lives.
John 15:5
Without You, I can do nothing.
Acknowledging You is a sign of humility.
I need Your help in overcome in the areas where I need improvement.
Depending on You is a sign of strength, not a weakness.
My prayer is that You will help the students understand the lessons that the teachers teach in the name of Jesus Christ.
Little things can cause unproductivity.
Hebrews 11:6
Thank You, Lord, for free texting and free Internet on the cellular phone.
Matthew 6:33
I need to seek first Your Kingdom and Your Righteousness.
I need to invest in myself in order to feed my spiritual person.
In Your presence is fullness of joy.
I need to read Your Word and meditate on Your promises.
You are the Living Water.
Prayer covers people.
You speak to me through emails
and writing.
My praise shall outweigh my petitions.
You speak to me through technology.
You are the Teacher and Your Word is a seed.
Malachi 3:16
The angels record those who remember You.
I need to include You in every part of my life.
Amen, thank You.
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