Twenty-one century
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Twenty-one century
Unnecessary syndromes
Viruses investigated
Absolute human beings in deceit
And fewer trees, water and clean air.
Smoke from cars, and other self-propelled cars.
Without ceasing in the lungs they penetrate.
Extinct animals seen only in movies and photos.
And laser communication,
In three-dimensional computing.
And here I, still coated
From the past life,
The morale of my dreams,
In educational reform
After all, at thirty-two and a half years of age, I pass the secular passage,
And, uh, the apocalyptic clues
That a lot of people aren't seeing.
I live to prophesy,
And I don't even know what to shake up all the time
Just write the concrete
From the fetus that broke
And he invests in the next century...
For my Brazil and the world,
After all, in any second
If they lose their faith,
And the bomb could be fatal
And at last be the end
Since there's no such thing as the love that led us here..,
But ambition made us succumb!
Handwritten poetry on December 17, 1997, 7 days after I had a spontaneous abortion, rereading today, August 4, 2019, I saw that we are experiencing many things of what I wrote. It seems that it was more of an inspiration than just any poem.
I offer to my relatives, in memoriam: Aryel (spontaneous opening - 10/12/1997 - 7 weeks and 4 days, lived in my uterus), Gabriel, twin of my princess Alexia Cristina (29/12/1998 - 05/11/2001). Two angels in heaven, apart from other loved ones who left.
To my children here with me, Alexia Cristina, Emmanuel and Anna Clara, apart from the children of heart, to my relatives, especially my mother.
To my professional colleagues, as many teachers as writers.
To the readers, to the current president so that he doesn't let us deforest the Amazon.
To one of the best scientists I know and understand a lot about the environment: Adilson Mikami.
For all the priests I knew: Father Sandro, João, Ricardo (from Rio de Janeiro), Paulo, Natal, Jonh, Ace, Marcelo Rossi, Claúdio Dias, and other pastors for their day, which is today 4/8.
Peace and well.
Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro.
To research: https://www.google.com/search?q=imagens+atuais+do+desmatamento+da+amazonia&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiIyenj_OnjAhWLILkGHfDUCKgQsAR6BAgJEAE&biw=1440&bih=740
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