Category: /Tribute/
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From poetry to harsh reality
Culture, art, and misery in the City Center.
When taking away, every Tuesday and Thursday,
Alexia Cristina, my sweet, young lady,
To Escola Municipal de Bailado (https://theatromunicipal.org.br/formacao/escola-de-danca-de-sao-paulo/),
Located in the Netherlands of the Tea Viaduct,
I pass through the streets of Anhangabaú Valley,
What bothers me most,
And it paralyzes me,
They're kids sniffing glue,
Out of school,
And other young people stealing at the fast pace of SAMPA...
The lid is about to explode.
Of poetry, of the construction of citizenship,
Which I want to give to my daughter,
I find myself in the marginalized portraits,
And I blame myself for the injustice.
Nearby is the headquarters of the São Paulo City Hall,
From my point of view,
The politicians over there blindfolded, they're blind!!!!
I wanted to act differently, but I'm afraid.
I entrust these little ones to God, and may these portraits change in the future.
After all, the "future is a ship that we try to fly." (As Toquinho used to say).
But let's change the course of this path together.
Manuscript in 27/05/2009.
Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro.
I offer it to all the mothers of dancers I knew at the time, and who took their children to the School of Dance.
For Rosana Gabira, Fabiana Barbosa, Vânia, My writer friend Marina Lima, Gilda, and so many other mothers and fathers.
For Esmeralda Penha Gazal, for everyone who loves dance, for our children who grew up and became professionals in dance.
But also to all the boys and girls reported in portraits, and that unfortunately, many due to the abusive use of drugs, have already gone to the Encounter of God, and even today, after 10 years, we still hear about the increase in the marginalized population, and that we fight and ask God so that this evil, called narcotic stop killing so many people.
Peace and good.
Poetry transcribed to two sites, one in Portuguese and the other in English.
São Paulo, July 26, 2019.
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