
Who am I?

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Who am I?

Professional and personal search: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=657&ei=TrnuXKXAEPWo5OUPlv-U-Ac&q=tekacastro&oq=tekacastro&gs_l=psy-ab.12...12902.12902..15114...0.0.. - Suddenly inside the virtual world I'm in a Recanto das Letras, in Etastic, in Escritas, or in Blocs on Line. I'm also in the face, and in the instagram. But, I wonder who I am?
Professor graduated in Chemistry from Ibirapuera University, researcher and blogger, or I'm an environmentalist citizen who suffers to see the City of São Paulo, the way it is, a chaos, on the environmental issue, a hypocrisy on the salary issue of public employees, be they teachers, delegates, as I heard today that they earn in São Paulo, a salary of R$ 10,000.00, professor, who is almost 30 years old, with a salary of R$ 2900.00, not counting other employees of public administration.
It's hard, and we're taking it.
Now I question what I am? Daughter of Portuguese immigrants, in memoriam Francisco, and Dona Deonilde, who recently turned 82. My idol, my strength, and example. I am the mother of three teenagers, aged 20, 17 and 15, where I often see generation conflicts, and I realize that I still have a lot to learn.
Yes, who am I?
Writer, teacher, citizen, spiritualist, environmentalist?
I am the daughter of our only God, who created everything. I am someone who, at the age of fifty-one, and 11 months, seeks much love, understanding, attitudes of change, not only wage justice, as I mentioned above, but a fairer Brazil, less corrupt, more attentive, more inclusive, happier, and with clean rivers, literate children, colleges with more emphasis on Creativity, like the FPA, which has a Dance course, with children's smiles, and no children killing their parents, or parents killing their children.
I wanted to find myself in this world of God, I wanted to enlighten my self, to find myself full, joyful, without fear of walking at night, of the whips that we have. With fair salaries to all. With Terra Brasilis back to the original owners, the Tupis, Guaranis, and other ethnic groups who were here before the Portuguese arrived. Yes, who am I?
A mystical person who works between the lines of writing and just wanted to be recognized as a writer still in Life.

Téka Castro.
Published in 2 websites.
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São Paulo, May 29, 2019.

I offer to the anthologists who encouraged me my publications be virtual or printed, and my family, because perhaps I am an unknown.
To my children and their colleagues.
To my fellow teachers and writers from Brazil and the world.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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