12/2/18 Pastor Osteen's It's Payback Time
Category: /General/
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Thank You, Lord, for this Message on Your behalf and thank You for Your intercession on behalf of Your people, who are Your Church.This is Your Message to Your Church, which is Your Body.
This is really a message to Your people.
This is a message to Your friends and family members.
This is a message to those who are running on empty.
This is a message to those who are burned out.
This is a message to those who get the short end of the stick.
This is a message for those who get little to no sleep.
This is a message for those of us who cannot even mention Your name.
You can and You are a God of Justice.
You see what everyone has been through.
You know what Your people is owed.
You see how Your people are treated.
You are showing favor because of what happened.
I need to do the right thing when the wrong thing is happening.
You are paying me back for the times I cannot even mention Your name.
Enough is enough.
You have seen the afflictions of Your people and You have heard their cries.
Payback is coming.
Ideas and creativity are coming.
You know what You are owed.
You owe me nothing and I do not want any money.
I really don't care about money.
Exodus 3
You gave me favor and I want to give as freely as I have received.
You saw what was unfair even to previous generations.
You allow difficulties to move us ahead.
You know how to pay us back.
In Isaiah, You promise that You will pay us back double.
You have the final say.
Genesis 31
You see what's unfair.
Not being able to mention Your name is unfair.
Not being able to volunteer at the church is also unfair.
I can still donate.
I need to be faithful and trustworthy.
I also need to be obedient.
Nothing is too difficult for You.
You have unusual and unexpected favor.
In the book of Joel, You imply that You will repay us what we have lost.
I will be amazed.
You have exceptional favor.
I don't need money.
You are full of mercy and You know what we have been through.
You are restoring the years that Satan has stolen.
Amen, thank You.
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